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Your choice reflects more than just your personality traits, now it can even tell how gay you are!Among all the gay cartoon charaters we believe them to be, have you ever wondered which one might match your vibe the best? Well, we're here to find out. This test is based on your connection with the others, your heart, your movie & music taste, and the snack you'll choose. It's short and funny but weirdly accurate! To note, by "gay" I also mean lesbian, bi, LGBTQ+, etc. Have fun!
Choose A Lamp With Your Favourite Color And Find Out The Reason Why You Are Unhappy
Do You Recognize These 10 Iconic Celebs Just From Their School Yearbook Photos?
Choose A Favourite Gemstone To Reveal A Shocking Truth About You!
What Is Your Natural Hand Position At Rest? This Will Reveal What Kind Of Person You Are!
Which Iconic Character From These Classic Movies Are You Most Like?
Choose An Eye: The Sight You Are Drawn To Says Something Special About You
Which Flower Matches Your Personality?
Pick A Rose And We Will Reveal What Kind Of Woman You Are
Only a Person Older Than 55 Can Name 14/18 of These TV Shows
Everyone Should Know These Historical Figures. How Many Can You Identify?